Friday, February 6, 2009

Thing Three revisited shortly thereafter...

Yay for Erin (!) who introduced me to Google Blog Search. User Friendly in the extreme! Now I know about tags and labels and making sense in the bloggosphere. Consider me thoroughly enthralled with the third thing.


  1. i am your web 2.0 yoda. except i'm not ancient. and not wrinkly and green. oh i need a better analogy...

  2. Well, well, well. It seems that I can post a comment by being signed in to my gmail after all. Can I take back all of my complaints to John about how I couldn't post comments on his blog because I needed to have one of my own? Because that's not true, actually...

    Oh well. This is about as dull as comments go. Maybe I will ask you a random question, just like your profile does. "If you had to pick between Italian ice and gelato, it was the only frozen treat you could ever have for the rest of your whole life, which would it be?" Of course you're thinking gelato (it tastes better) but it's so fattening...

    I am not feeling too witty today, I'm afraid. Nice blog though, H - keep up the good work!

  3. Consider them taken back!

    Big brother is watching!
