Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing Four

I have stumbled around RSS and Newsreaders now for more than two weeks. On the one hand I can get all the news I want, anything anytime anywhere, with only the slight exception of an espresso and some fresh berries' being apparently unavailable at our current level of technology. What's not to love? On the other hand, I cannot find enough moments in the day to concentrate long enough to understand how to manage rather than be managed by the feeders. Thus, I have at the end of each day, news reports, and by news I mean not necessarily headlines but the broader spectrum of variously focused and potentially entertaining information, arriving at a bewildering array of entry points. Who knew I was so connected? I am updated on the latest news from all directions, as though persons of global importance were waiting for my opinions and decisions. Curiously, I begin to need the updates, something urges me to check, just for a minute...

All this is to say, I am working on Thing Four. I think I'll start to move toward Five and hope that Four sorts itself out. If the Magic of Google Magnificence continues to work, surely a character will develop automatically, a virtual staff assistant, and tidy things up before any actual persons see that I am receiving the New York Times five ways and Sunday, too.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thing Three revisited shortly thereafter...

Yay for Erin (!) who introduced me to Google Blog Search. User Friendly in the extreme! Now I know about tags and labels and making sense in the bloggosphere. Consider me thoroughly enthralled with the third thing.

Thing Three - Free Fall

Technorati? I just freeze every time I try it. Is this personal? Anyhow, finally reading the actual frontpage I see this is the answer to the age old question, what would happen if you had to get all of your news in the public laundromat? Indeed, you would get a storm of raw stories, mixed quality but marvelous scope. With the editors-be-extinct mode of operation, we can probably all find published material to support our own points of view! What do you want to know and how do you want to find out???

Here I go, jumping over the safety rail of NPR and NYT- reading in the badlands.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thing Two

Yikes. Web 2.0. Former ace student now languishes in the dust of the shiny new guard marching effortlessly and with STYLE into the virtual and actual space where we live. Hoping that they also serve who only lag behind, I strive simply to tag along after the parade rather than hiding behind the black velvet curtain of great responsibility and grand achievement, in effect, to brave the new world. Ok, so hardly braving, but trying...omg THING TWO! I am so far behind.

Web 2.0. It may be a challenge but it is not a choice. We either learn this stuff or we beg for help every time we want to communicate with anyone anytime. So to those of you who keep saying come on come on get with the program, I say keep those reminders coming. I must learn this stuff. And really, just as an aside to those of you who are also still mucking about in the baby Steps, we can hide but we're not going to get away with it.

So... I have attended the Neflin 2.0 workshop, very enlightening. I especially liked finding out that the number of smart people in the United States is like a drop of water in the ocean of smart people and that pretty soon you won't even be able to find an intellect of note in the Western world because we are draaagggggginng our feet not to mention mangling our educational opportunities with amazing aplomb. On a more positive note we learned about all the stuff that people are doing, most especially in libraries, with new technologies.

This is what I keep telling myself: We can do that, too.
we can do that too. wecandothattoo...

So thank you to Erin who managed the crowds while I struggled with Thing Two and back to work. I wonder what Thing Three is?